Rag Top Cleaner is a deep cleansing convertible cleaner specifically developed to ease the difficult process of renovating and reviving convertible hoods

With exterior fabrics particularly susceptible to moisture absorption, retention of grime and the impregnation of organic material, Ragtop Cleaner fills the troublesome void between a harsh chemical cleaner that risks damaging delicate fibres, and a solution that won't be effective in actively breaking down and lifting the hardiest contaminants.

Effective for removal of dirt along with deep-rooted organic contaminants - including mould and moss

If you own a convertible car with a fabric roof, it's important to be aware that this part of the car must be treated differently to that of the panels and the wheels; it's not merely a case of just washing the whole car with the same product as all products are designed and formulated differently so it's best to use dedicated products for individual areas

Always working on a vehicle from the top down, it's wise to work on your roof immediately after performing the snow foam treatment stage

nsuring the roof has been rinsed thoroughly of any snow foam, take Auto Finesse Rag Top Cleaner and a good quality upholstery brush and spray it liberally across the fabric surface. Agitate the solution using the upholstery brush - work in small areas to help the brush get deep into the fibres - then rinse down and wash the rest of the vehicle as normal.

Give your fabric convertible hood a new lease of life

After cleaning we'd always recommend protecting your roof from further contamination with our Rag Top Protector.

Product Information

Product Type: Convertible Fabric Hood Cleaner
Product Code: RTC500

Auto Finesse Rag Top Cleaner is a deep cleansing convertible fabric hood cleaner specifically developed to ease the difficult process of renovating and reviving convertible fabric hoods.

With exterior fabrics particularly susceptible to moisture absorption, retention of grime and the impregnation of organic material, Ragtop Cleaner fills the troublesome void between a harsh chemical cleaner that risks damaging delicate fibres, and a solution that won’t be effective in actively breaking down and lifting the hardiest contaminants. All in one easy-to-use package.               

On agitation Rag Top Cleaner quickly foams up to create a powerful solution that penetrates deep into fabrics to chemically erode the hardiest grime and environmental fallout without abrading the fibres within.  

Effective for removal of dirt along with deep-rooted organic contaminants - including mould and moss - simply spritz liberally across the surface, work in with an Upholstery Brush or Scrubi Spot Pad and rinse.  

After cleaning we’d always recommend protecting your roof from further contamination with our Rag Top Protector.  

Product Summary

  • Deep cleansing convertible cleaner
  • Designed to break down and lift the hardiest contaminants 
  • A powerful solution that penetrates deep into fabrics

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